Творча лабораторія

Презентація "Здоровий спосіб життя"

Тест "Здоровий спосіб життя"

Тренінгове заняття Безпечний інтернет

Урок англійської мови "Моє здоров'я"
1.    Організаційний момент та привітання.
Вчитель:                               Good morning!
Glad to see you!
So, dear  students, today we continue our conversation about   health care and healthy way  of life.
Перевірка д.з.
I propose the motto:” A  sound mind in a sound body.”
Записати в зошит тему і дату.
We invited Doctor  Komarovska  - Meet her!
2.Введення в  іншомовну атмосферу урока.
Doctor:        Good morning! How are you? I hope you are  well, you are quite  well. You are young and the future belongs to you. So, you must be healthy.
Nowadays most of the people are aware of importance of leading a healthy way of life, of doing exercises and being on a diet. To be healthy is very important in the modern world. Health is the man’s greatest wealth. Only a healthy man can enjoy his life, work well and be happy. If you are ill nothing seems nice. Everybody wants to live a long healthy life.
   I want to show you some slides.
(показ слайдів + доктор коментує їх)
     But to be healthy means that every organ works well and you are mentally and physically healthy. Have you any questions
 Діти задають запитання.
Діти: (запитання)
1) They say a lot of tubercles nowadays. Do you   have such a problem in our district?
Doctor:   It’s a pity, it is a problem in our district. And  we do everything to treat our people. To be healthy you must have the X-rays  every year..
The next question!
2) And what about AIDS in our district?
Doctor: It’s a serious problem too. And I advise you  to take care of your  health. We want to attract your attention once more. It’s impossible to infect somebody with Aids by means of common shower, bath and toilet. You can’t infect with Aids through air. But if infection gets into blood it’s very dangerous.
So , be careful!
3) What influences these    diseases mostly?
Doctor : Avoid drugs, drinking  alcohol and smoking.
 Besides, to be healthy, a person must stop smoking and drinking much. Besides, nowadays there is a problem of taking drugs, especially among young people. It causes many diseases and leads to death.
      Everyone should remember that cigarettes, alcohol and drugs destroy both body and brain. No questions?
 And  at the end of our conversation, I give you some advice! Here you are.( доктор дарує всім буклети)
Вчитель   Thank you. Goodbye. See you another time.
Let’s continue our work. I propose  you some proverbs about health.
The leader  of every group comes here and chooses a proverb for your group.
Your  task is to make  the proverb and explain it.
Are you ready?
Please, go to the blackboard!
Робота з прислів’ями
1 “ Health  is above wealth!”
Many  people consider wealth to be the highest objective in life. But they forget that there some things that money can’t buy. For instance, love, friendship, respect and health. Of  course, with money you can get better medical treatment in case you are ill, but, unfortunately, there exist some incurable diseases or disabilities which make people suffer, and no wealth is able to cure them. So, I am sure that good health is the main priority in life.
 Вчитель Thank you. Take your place.
2. “ Early to bed and  early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise!”
The saying proves that rest is also necessary to the health of both body and mind. Late hours are very harmful to the health as they exhaust the nervous system. We should go to bed early and get up early.
3. “A sound mind in a sound body.”
 Вчитель:  Just a minute! Oh, look at the blackboard – this proverb considers with our motto. Explain it!
The connection is obvious. If our body suffers from any disorder, our mind suffers with it, and we are unable to perform social duties. A sound body is the result of a healthy way of life a person leads. If people care about their health, they willingly choose healthy habits and avoid bad ones.
Вчитель: Maybe do you know another proverbs about health. Name them.
(діти називають приказки про здоров’я)
Dear students!  Doctor  Комаровська   has left us some rules of healthy life.
Look at the blackboard and read them.
( Діти читають в голос правила)
 Do you know this rules?
Діти : Yes,  we do.
-         Do you keep them?
Yes, I do. ( Of course? Sometimes…)
And now you may propose your own rules of health.
Work in groups and make up you rules  and write.
Вчитель:  Are you ready?
And now go to the blackboard and write your rules on the blackboard.
And the secretary works on the computer and will complete our list of rules.
I propose our secretary to print them and give you.
Діти працюють в групах і виходять з листочками до дошки, пишуть на дошці інтерактивній правила!
Look at the screen. Do you agree with these rules? – Yes, we do.
Keep them and you will always be healthy and wealthy!
( секретар роздає правила і каже:here you are, its for you, be healthy!
Аудіювання. Та виконання тестів.
Діти : Наталія Володимирівна, let’s make up a formula of  health!
Вчитель:  O’K. What a good idea!
So , what is health?( я йду до дошки та клею “ Health is =
Complete this formula. ( Діти пишуть!)
 Oh, how interesting! Now we have special formula of health!
Keep it in your life!
Вчитель:   And now, let’s see – how our meeting has helped you to change your lifestyle.
I propose  you a test. Do it on your notebooks.
Інші учні складають діалоги.
Are you ready? Check your result.
So , our  meeting is over.
I think, it was very useful for you and I wish you be healthy, wealthy and wise!

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